YES! Wire Wrapping Newbie and rebirth of Lapidary Bug
Margo and I took a wire wrapping class in Sac. It was awesome!! We did it! I know I really s**ked at working wire, figured that metal was ex's domain, but HA! This was fun. I brought a number of my cabs, and used this black metalic cab (cannot remember what it is, other than I got it from Oregon and it makes a black sloppy mess of my machine when working it.)
I'm so psyched. Of course, I want to make a gazillion more, and me being me, want to buy an 18" Lortone slab saw and a 10" trim saw, build a shop, go crazy buying rock, and bend silver all day long!
Way fun. I have over 30 cabs that I made when gas was cheap, weekends were free, and I could drive to Mather AFB and play rockhound with the awesome Sacramento Mineral Society folks before my skin rebelled.
Skin has recovered endless hours, day after day, in cold water. Now I miss it.
Of course I don't have time.
OT: It's getting cold enough I'm thinking of wood burning stoves, sweaters, and off the road, back to the gym. (The Thursday racing guys had a major crash. Pres. Dan Sh. has a skull fracture and bruised brain: I just heard that Michael J. has 7 broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and fractures in his sternum and scapula!! A bolted down spinner sounds pretty good right now...)