back and forth

My two lives. My late night/early mornings life of mad crafty energy, where my fingers itch to create and my mild mannered day life of teaching, biking, tennis and the love of my life!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Zone

Did it on Thursday. Hit a backhand, and I saw the ball in my positive point of contact, as if it froze in the air for just a little longer than possible, and it was a perfect backhand. And then it happened again. The two forehands I hit well, it was the same thing. It hung there, right in front, at the + point of contact. WOW! So I look at the forums, and there's this 'arete' site, and he talks about it.

Coach mentioned it once. Focus on the point of contact. And I need to know where the court is. Of course I do! I've practically grown up on the darn thing, even if I 'left home' for many years in between.

So, do I want to practice hitting in the Zone, or do I work on top spin? True, I need some topspin. But the Zone even more. I can practice that before my private lesson with very handsome Coach, and see if I can work on the mental aspect. It would benefit the topspin stuff even more, yes?

Oh, and rode last weekend, 54 miles to a crepery. One of the guys fell. John. He ended up with a cracked femur, and perhaps a cracked rib. Glad we insisted he be picked up from the lunch place, even afte he rode 6 miles more to get there! He must be in his 70's, although very fit. Nice man. Ouch.

Monday, I hope to ride with Nathanie. And Thursday, I could ride an early Cantelow with Russell, but I don't know if I want 'bite' on his dangling offers so much. Nice man, but young and not my type. And then Saturday, very excited about riding to RHPhillips again!


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