The Zone
Did it on Thursday. Hit a backhand, and I saw the ball in my positive point of contact, as if it froze in the air for just a little longer than possible, and it was a perfect backhand. And then it happened again. The two forehands I hit well, it was the same thing. It hung there, right in front, at the + point of contact. WOW! So I look at the forums, and there's this 'arete' site, and he talks about it.
Coach mentioned it once. Focus on the point of contact. And I need to know where the court is. Of course I do! I've practically grown up on the darn thing, even if I 'left home' for many years in between.
So, do I want to practice hitting in the Zone, or do I work on top spin? True, I need some topspin. But the Zone even more. I can practice that before my private lesson with very handsome Coach, and see if I can work on the mental aspect. It would benefit the topspin stuff even more, yes?
Oh, and rode last weekend, 54 miles to a crepery. One of the guys fell. John. He ended up with a cracked femur, and perhaps a cracked rib. Glad we insisted he be picked up from the lunch place, even afte he rode 6 miles more to get there! He must be in his 70's, although very fit. Nice man. Ouch.
Monday, I hope to ride with Nathanie. And Thursday, I could ride an early Cantelow with Russell, but I don't know if I want 'bite' on his dangling offers so much. Nice man, but young and not my type. And then Saturday, very excited about riding to RHPhillips again!
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